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TB Schrotti: Auch der Dude lebt noch :) Fehlen ja nur noch ein paar...
Ted: ja ich z.B. ^^
Ted: hi schrotti - kennst mich noch ?
TB Schrotti: Ja na klar doch der streikende Ausländer ;)
Gast_9049: Grüsse von mir - euch gibts ja doch noch ;) ich hoffe es läuft gut bei euch
Maro : :)
Aramis: Hi all
Aramis: Hi schrotti
Aramis: alles fit
Aramis: ´war mit Bluebird hier!!!!
TB Schrotti: Na klar doch, was treibt der große blaue Vogel :)
DivS-StukazuFuss: 04.11.13 - alles im Lack#
APking: na ihr alten säcke;) schön zu sehen das es euch noch gibt. gibts nen aktuellen ts3 server?
MacOliver: is T-Reg still alive ?
TB Schrotti: Moin Olli nee momentan nicht keine Ahnung :(
Dave: Hi, mal frohe weihnachten wünschen den brigadlern :)
TB Schrotti: Ja Dave dir auch, und einen guten Rutsch :)
Ted: ein frohes neues wünsch ich euch allen ^^
Sturmi: Also ihr ganzen "alten" Knacker ,die hier immer Grüße da lassen, könnt auch gern mal ins TS kommen! Wir beißen nicht, außer Paradoxus :P
TBParadoxus: Och Sturmi, du kleines Sensibelchen ;)
Gast_5625: Guten tag die herren! Grusse von -=TB=-Bubbles. Wieder alter geworden aber 'still going strong' on Forgotten Hope. Schaut mal vorbei, sehe ab und zu mitglieder von TB da. naja wir sehen uns, grüsse von der alte Bubbles
Kuemmel: Da müssen wir nochmal schnell ne Runde BF2 zocken, denn am 30.6. macht GS dicht. :_(
TB Schrotti: Hallo Bubbles immer noch an der FH Front unterwegs :) @ Kuemmel eine Lösung ist schon in Arbeit für BF2 «link»
ian76g: jemand wach?
GrandPa: lebe auch noch, bin derzeit auch bei WOT als SkaTom
konti: olé olé froinde!
konti: forum kamnn helfen
Ted: hidiho -- hab mir grad pr 1.3 geladen und mal reingeschnuppert .... leider keine TB tags geshn .. da dacht ich mir ich sag hier mal hallo - obs wohl überlebende gibt ^^
Sturmi: Wird leider kein PR mehr gespielt. War Thunder oder WoT und vieles mehr. GIbt momentan nix, was langen Spielspaß verspricht
konti: oi oi oi
K4on: Moin Jungs,
K4on: Project Reality:BF2 v1.3.5 erscheint heute in der Version 1.3.5 ist standalone, d.h. einfach auf den full installer downloaden und loslegen.
konti: gips das auch füre ps4?
Sturmjaeger: Wer Lust hat die guten alten Zeiten in PR aufleben zu lassen, soll bei Steam nach "Squad" schauen. Viele Ex-Entwickler von PR, die das "alte" PR auf Unreal Engine 3 entwickeln. Hab mich sofort heimisch gefühlt! :)
Doozer0815: Squad ist bei Steam als Early Access Spiel raus. Ist wie ein PR mit Unreal Engine. Zückt die Kreditkarte und los!!!
Doozer0815: Gelöscht ist nicht vergessen:

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Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication
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THEMA: Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication

Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication 1 Jahr, 3 Monate her #571

  • MacMillanwu
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Beiträge: 6
  • Karma: 0
Diablo IV Gold : The hardest challenge to unlock

There are many different systems included in Diablo 4. From classes, skill trees, and paragon glyphs, to enchantments, buffs, and legendary aspects, the number of things players have to keep track of - whether it's damage numbers or good old inventory space - can be overwhelming. Even if they get to the late game, more systems will be thrown at them. Thankfully, it's easy and not too damaging to ignore the less important parts when building a solid build.

Diablo 4's Challenge is one such less important system. These missions cover a wide range of gameplay operations. Some tasks are as simple as the player upgrading a healing potion or conquering a fortress for the first time. Others are much more difficult. While the new game's rewards aren't quite as enticing, completing these challenges also rewards a large amount of XP, which is even more valuable. The toughest challenges in the game require players to make a conscious effort to complete them and gain experience points.

Champion's Feat: Reach level 100 in Hardcore mode

What makes Diablo 4's Hardcore mode so "hardcore" is that it makes a simple change to the gameplay: when a player dies, that character dies permanently. There is no respawning, no reloading previous saves - the character and all of its accumulated abilities, gear, and experience are gone forever.

So it stands to reason that one of the toughest challenges for anyone in Diablo 4 is getting their character from the character creation screen to the game's highest level - level 100 - in hardcore mode. Reaching level 100 takes dozens of hours of gameplay, and doing so in a game mode where one mistake could mean starting from scratch is a truly impressive feat.

Enemies of Sanctuary: Get 100 PVP kills

An often overlooked element of Diablo 4's gameplay is the PVP mode. Players can pit their characters against each other in battle to see who is the strongest. The reason it's overlooked is that it ignores much of the core gameplay. Characters are generally not built for PVP and usually have two players standing face to face, unleashing an endless array of abilities, like Gandalf and Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

To complete the Enemies of Sanctuary challenge, players need to kill 100 people in PVP. This isn't necessarily a hard total to reach, and players dedicated to the game's PVP may be able to hit 100 kills very quickly. But for most players, this challenge will require a break from much of Diablo 4's standard gameplay, and as a result, many won't even understand the requirements required to complete it.

Trophy Hunter: Kill all ultra-rare monsters in the open world

In addition to the elite monsters, a few monsters are roaming the Diablo 4 map that are considered "extremely rare." They can be found in specific areas of the game map, but there is no guarantee that they will spawn when the player walks through them.

To complete this challenge, players not only need to track down all 15 monsters, but also kill each one. They're still elite monsters, but they usually bring unique abilities that make them a more difficult opponent to deal with. The only upside is that they have a high chance of dropping legendary gear when defeated.

Participate in exciting missions, defeat powerful monsters, and exchange your Diablo IV Items for valuable items. Earning coins in Diablo 4 requires dedication and hard work, as players must put in the time to complete missions, defeat opponents, and participate in various activities to earn the coveted coins. Making affordable Diablo 4 coins through allows players to optimize their gameplay and fully immerse themselves in a truly enjoyable adventure.
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